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One Inner Belief That’s Holding You Back From Change

We’ve ALL done this. We decide we are going to diet, exercise, meditate, or some other healthful action. We want to ___ (fill in the blank: lose weight, be less bloated, be less tired, etc). So we cut our calories, cut down on sugar, cut out gluten, or drink less alcohol (again, fill in the blank)…for a short period of time. Then, we fall back into old habits.

There can be many reasons for this behavior. Lack of planning is an example. We can’t just eat differently if we haven’t planned our meals and shopped accordingly. However, I think the biggest reason for faltering is that we bump up against how difficult this change is.

Changing your diet and altering your lifestyle are major endeavors. They require a significant level of commitment and effort. It is hard work, but it is absolutely worthwhile.

We expect it to be easy. We expect it to just happen because we want it to happen. So, we give up when it isn’t easy.

The problem here is that we believe it should be easy, so let me adjust your beliefs:

It is never easy.

It isn’t supposed to be easy.

Difficulty isn’t a sign of something wrong.

Difficulty isn’t a reason to stop.

If you are prepared for the fact that it isn’t easy, you won’t be so defeated when indeed it is hard. Don’t wait for it to seem easy before you are ready to begin or you will be waiting forever. Don’t expect this to be easy or you will be derailed when you discover just how difficult it can be. Don’t give up and don’t let the difficulty become your excuse for giving up.

You owe it to yourself, your body, and your life to feel good! Set your intention, take on this endeavor, and the results will be your reward.

For more essential mindset shift pep-talks, check out my eBook: Health Takes Guts® Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety, and Fatigue

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