Clock as a plate with fork and spoon, Time to eat!

HOW to eat

There are a million resources on what to eat, but has anyone ever told you HOW to eat?

We eat while standing, driving, checking our phone or computer, talking excitedly. We eat fast while thinking about what we have to get done. In other words, we eat while stressed.

A person in stress mode can’t digest and absorb. This is because under stress your body doesn’t produce or secrete stomach acid, enzymes, or bile. So we want to relax our bodies before eating.

You are about to have your meal or snack. It is prepared and on a plate in front of you. Before you eat, do the following:

  1. Sit down (do not eat standing up, moving around, driving, or walking).
  2. Pause (sit in silence, no phone or television) for 30 seconds.
  3. Just breathe.

You are telling your body that everything is ok and it is time to relax. You are preparing your body to ingest the food. When you are done with your 30 seconds of breathing, begin eating. Chew your food slowly and deliberately. Pause between bites of food to allow your body time to process each bite.

Another tip: It a good idea for everyone to give their bodies 12 hours off from digesting and absorbing. For most people, nighttime is the ideal time to do this. This means avoiding eating after dinner until breakfast the next morning. No late night snacking. It is hard work for your body to digest and absorb food. It is taxing to the GI tract. Your gut needs a rest. Your blood and your cells also benefit from taking a break from assimilating nutrients. If you eat dinner at 7:00pm, try not to eat again until 7:00am the next day.

(The above is an excerpt from my eBook. Check it out!)

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