Patient Types

What kind of patient are you?

There are many different types of patients.

I see these types in my clients every day. I also see many of these different types in myself, depending on the day!

In my experience, patient types can be put in two categories: ambivalent and committed.

The ambivalent patient is:

  • Uninformed and doubtful that anything will work for them.
  • Pissed off that they are sick, that they have to work for their health.
  • Defiant (an offshoot of pissed off) refusing to accept their situation or the work that needs to be done.
  • Jealous or resentful of other healthy people. Wanting to be ‘normal’
  • Avoidant; procrastinating the work that has to be done.

The committed patient is:

  • Afraid; they don’t feel well and don’t want to feel this way forever.
  • Motivated and proactive
  • Willing to do whatever is best for their body

Clearly it is “better” to be committed than ambivalent, but don’t read any judgment into my words. We are ALL these patients, on different days. We ALL have to go through our ambivalence and anger so we can reach acceptance.

After we accept, we can commit to our bodies.

Stay tuned for more on how to process feelings and mindsets when you have a chronic illness in the future!

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