This disease DOUBLES every 20 years!

Another fantastic free resource for you!

Despite what you’ve been told by conventional medicine, you CAN prevent and slow down (and even reverse!) Alzheimer’s and dementia. These are the most misunderstood, cruelest and costly of all diseases; the emotional toll they wreak on all of us is devastating. The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit is online and free from July 23-29, 2018!

Are you afraid of one day not recognizing your closest friend? Your spouse? Children?

Brain disorders, including memory loss, are fast becoming the single biggest health problem in the world, and the statistics are incredibly grim…

In 2017, ~50 million people worldwide were believed to have some form of dementia.

This. Number. Will. Double. Every. 20. Years.

That’s ~150 million people with dementia in 2057.
Let’s work together to prevent it from happening to you!​

Register for the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit for free now!

And these are just the numbers. The odds are that you’ve already had (or have) someone in your life with dementia — the emotional toll simply can’t be put into words.

That’s why we MUST start addressing it TODAY, so we can prevent it in the future.

Jonathan Landsman has, once again, gathered the world’s top experts to help you discover how to prevent and slow down (and even reverse!) the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Find out what you can, and should, do before memory loss is irreversible — because taking action now is the key to protecting your brain health and overall wellbeing!

–>>Register for this free, online health summit now!

P.S. When you register today, you’ll also gain access to Jonathan’s powerful, 26-page eGuide, “Slash Your Risk of Alzheimer’s,” and learn the best food, herbs and supplements for brain health!

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