Tag Archives: vitamin D

Vitamin D, the wonder nutrient


Vitamin D has always been unique. It is not just a vitamin, it is a hormone: a cholesterol substance in skin cells is converted to Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, it does not need to be eaten like all other nutrients. It can be made from sunlight. The amount of sunlight needed depends on the individual (skin color, age) and the time of day and time of year, and the location (near the equator or far).

Alas, if we are wearing sunscreen, those UV rays don’t get through and we do not make Vitamin D. In this case we need to eat it-from fortified milk, eggs and some fish. But the sources are not abundant. Sunlight is absolutely the best way to get Vitamin D.

Why is this such a wonder nutrient?

  • It helps your body absorb calcium from the GI tract and also regulate blood calcium and make sure enough gets into your bones.
  • It ensures normal development of some cells, in turn reducing cancer risk in those cells.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is a major risk factor in at least 17 varieties of cancer
  • Vitamin D might be the key in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (we always thought sunlight was…and it is but because of this nutrient)
  • Sunlight lessens inflammation in the body. Inflammation leads to all diseases including heart disease.
  • Blood pressure: those exposed to more sunlight have lower average blood pressure than those who aren’t.
  • Vitamin D seems to help immune function and lower the risk of autoimmune diseases.

So get about 10 minutes a day of sun exposure before putting on your sunscreen.

photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

Is sunscreen harmful?


You know the guidelines. Wear sunscreen, any time you are in the sun, for any amount of time. Wear hats and long sleeves. These advisories were for people living in high UV index areas-like near the equator. But in North America, where the sun isn’t so strong, it isn’t necessary, and may even be harmful.

Two recent studies from Sweden indicate that perhaps sunscreen is doing more harm than good. Women (30,000), in one study, were followed over 20 years. Women who avoided the sun had two times the risk of early death than women who received normal sun exposure. In the other study, sun exposure was associated with reduced cardiovascular death.

It is important to note, that these studies were observational. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. There were certainly variables that weren’t controlled for: such as diet!

But Vitamin D could be the answer. Sunscreen protects the skin from sun rays and therefore we don’t make the Vitamin D from the sun. This Vitamin has been associated with lower cancer risk, lower inflammation, less depression…the list goes on.

For a long time, as a dietitian, I have struggled with the Vitamin D vs Sunscreen debate. My answer has always been:

  • put sunscreen on your face
  • put sunscreen on areas that will get a lot of exposure (like shoulders)
  • leave arms and legs alone-get your Vitamin D there.

photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net