Tag Archives: body image

Love your Body

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In honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr, I have a different type of post.

He is the author of one of my favorite quotes: “Darkness can’t drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that”

Well, how many of us hate our bodies? It is not only unfair to your body, it is counterproductive to your goals (assuming your goals are to improve your body in some way).

So, today, and everyday, try to be kinder to yourself. Think of all the ways your body is an amazing machine. Your body serves you every minute of every day. It carries on tremendously important functions without your awareness or effort. It gets you from here to there. It allows you to see, hear, taste, feel. Every single thing you do is done by or with your body. You’d be nothing and nowhere without it. Cherish it.

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Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net