My Line of Supplements is ready!

Health Takes Guts. That’s the brand name of a new line of smart supplements.


I have created a line of supplements to aid my clients in reaching their goals! I have three blends (two more in development): “Heal the Gut”, “Focus for ADHD” and a Multivitamin.

Through my experience and research, I have a list of nutrients that people with gut problems or ADHD need. Instead of sending them on a quest to find 10 different supplements (in random amounts), I have compiled these nutrients into one place, and in the recommended therapeutic amounts.

For the gut, there are several nutrients that are needed to heal that precious lining of our digestive track. Without healing the GI track, we can’t hope to have gut health or, since all disease begins in the gut, overall health.

For ADHD, we have to give the brain all the support it needs to work optimally. The supplement contains vitamins and minerals that research shows most children with ADHD are deficient in. Not coincidentally these are the nutrients that support the brain in areas of: focus, attention, behavior, and emotions.

Read more on my supplement page. You can also find full nutrition info here.

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