Author Archives: dianne rishikof

This disease DOUBLES every 20 years!

Another fantastic free resource for you!

Despite what you’ve been told by conventional medicine, you CAN prevent and slow down (and even reverse!) Alzheimer’s and dementia. These are the most misunderstood, cruelest and costly of all diseases; the emotional toll they wreak on all of us is devastating. The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit is online and free from July 23-29, 2018!

Are you afraid of one day not recognizing your closest friend? Your spouse? Children?

Brain disorders, including memory loss, are fast becoming the single biggest health problem in the world, and the statistics are incredibly grim…

In 2017, ~50 million people worldwide were believed to have some form of dementia.

This. Number. Will. Double. Every. 20. Years.

That’s ~150 million people with dementia in 2057.
Let’s work together to prevent it from happening to you!​

Register for the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit for free now!

And these are just the numbers. The odds are that you’ve already had (or have) someone in your life with dementia — the emotional toll simply can’t be put into words.

That’s why we MUST start addressing it TODAY, so we can prevent it in the future.

Jonathan Landsman has, once again, gathered the world’s top experts to help you discover how to prevent and slow down (and even reverse!) the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Find out what you can, and should, do before memory loss is irreversible — because taking action now is the key to protecting your brain health and overall wellbeing!

–>>Register for this free, online health summit now!

P.S. When you register today, you’ll also gain access to Jonathan’s powerful, 26-page eGuide, “Slash Your Risk of Alzheimer’s,” and learn the best food, herbs and supplements for brain health!

Fantastic Information and Resources for SIBO and Candida

There are two online summits happening right now (free through this weekend, then available for purchase). They are free to attend and learn!

If you have SIBO or IBS, then you know how frustrating it can be.

The bloating that doesn’t go away…
The fear of eating something that makes you feel worse…
The embarrassing bathroom symptoms that you don’t even want to talk about…

Even more frustrating – most doctors don’t know a thing about how to actually treat SIBO, IBS, and other chronic digestive issues.

But SIBO isn’t really a mystery anymore – there are experts and researchers who are successfully treating SIBO every day.

And right now, you have a chance to meet them, learn from them, and have them answer YOUR questions.

Announcing The SIBO SOS™
Masterclass and Live Q&A Virtual Conference

Click Here to See the Lineup.

It’s 10  live Masterclasses taught by 10 different practitioners who have helped hundreds of thousands of people with SIBO and other digestive disorders.


Candida is a naturally occurring, yet “opportunistic” fungus.

With the right conditions, there’s no limit to where it will spread and, when rampant, it can cause intense sugar cravings, brain fog, bloating, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, low energy or worse…

…chronic diseases.

—>>Learn to overcome candida and reclaim your health at The Candida Summit. Click here for more information.

Health Takes Guts®: Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety, and Fatigue

Memorial Day Sale

The response to my eBook has been so wonderful! Thank you to those of you who have purchased it and all the positive feedback you have given.

On the other hand, if you have been considering if you should purchase it but not sure, NOW’S THE TIME. From today until June 1st, I am having a Memorial Day Sale.

Use the promo code HTGMay18 at checkout and get 25% off the purchase price!

To read about the eBook, click here. You can click on one of the ‘buy’ buttons to be taken to checkout where you can input the promo code.

Another piece of news: I will be paper publishing the book at some point soon! So those of you who like to hold a book in your hand, it’s coming!

The Gelatin Secret

I had to share this resource with you all. This is an eBook about gelatin and all the benefits it brings to your health.

Gelatin is known for helping to heal the gut lining thereby reversing food sensitivities and other digestive symptoms. That is why I use it with myself and my clients. This book also discusses the other benefits to our skin, joints, teeth, and hair.

The recipes alone are worth it! Bone broth, gummies made with real gelatin, and more…

Check out her sales page for full information.


What happens to the body in times of stress?

Cortisol and adrenaline are released by the adrenal gland in times of stress. These hormones perform a variety of functions to prepare the body to cope with perceived threats. These hormones have a vital role to serve, but you don’t want them in your system long term. The problem is that we experience a trauma, the “threats” and therefore stress response tend to be constant and ongoing. This causes the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your system to be chronically elevated.

When cortisol and adrenaline are elevated, all hell breaks loose in the body.

  • Digestion is inhibited. All the important digestive juices like stomach acid and enzymes are prevented from being released. When that happens, you can’t digest your food. The undigested food continues down the tract, where it feeds the microbes instead of you, causing an imbalance of gut bacteria (more below). As a result, you get bloated and you have indigestion.
  • Cortisol creates an unhealthy environment in the gut. Besides the digestion inhibition, stress actually feeds the bad bacteria in your gut, injures the lining of the intestinal wall, and increases inflammation. These three things are the root cause of all gut issues as well as most other health diagnoses in the entire body.
  • Cortisol suppresses the immune system, so your body has more difficulty fighting off germs. You will get sick more.
  • Cortisol also interferes with sleep.
  • Cortisol is made from the same building blocks in the body as other hormones. If the adrenal gland needs to keep producing more and more cortisol, it will steal the building blocks from other hormones. So, your thyroid hormones and sex hormones will be low. This can lead to fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, hair loss, loss of sex drive, disruption of menses, and more.
  • High stress, imbalanced hormones, and gut issues all affect the brain. Mood and cognition will suffer.
  • High stress hormones disrupt your blood sugar leading to cycles of sugar craving and crashes, fatigue, and weight gain or loss.
  • After a period of heightened stress, the adrenals are fatigued, and can’t produce sufficient cortisol. Low cortisol levels lead to a (now familiar) host of problems, such as gut troubles and fatigue. This is sometimes termed “adrenal fatigue” but the more scientific name is HPA Axis dysfunction.


What can be done?

There are many treatments and things to combat all this harm to the body. A few are described below:

  • Eat a whole foods diet. Cut the sugar and processed foods. Processed foods come from a factory, box, or bag. Eat nutrient dense real foods that come from an animal or the earth. A sweet potato, an apple, or a piece of chicken are all whole foods.
  • Eat regularly. Do not skip meals which puts stress on the body.
  • Take a high-quality multivitamin. Other supplements can help too. Examples would be a B complex, fish oil, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Phosphatiylserine, Magnesium Glycinate, Passionflower, or Probiotics. It is always recommended to be under the care of a supplement expert to know what is right for you.
  • Prioritize sleep.
  • Deep breathing or meditation.
  • Get sunlight and fresh air every day.

For more on this topic and others like it, check out my eBook.

Selection of food high in sugar

Why Sugar and Processed Foods are not Healthy

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to eating. However, there is one plan that is safe for most people and can help most health conditions: a whole foods diet. Whole foods are better for the microbiome than processed foods. Eating real food in its whole form promotes good health. Eating sugar and processed foods promotes disease.

The following is a list of health issues that have been linked to eating processed foods and foods rich in sugar:

  • Unbalanced microbiome
  • Leaky gut
  • Inflammation
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Aging
  • Brain health
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Cancers
  • Sleep apnea
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Liver disease
  • Gynecological problems such as infertility
  • Kidney disease
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Cataracts
  • Arthritis
  • Rash/eczema in children
  • Gallstones
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Can increase reactive oxygen species, in turn, damaging cells and tissues
  • Can reduce high-density lipoproteins – the good cholesterol!
  • Interfere with ability to absorb calcium and magnesium
  • Can lead to an over-acidic digestive tract
  • Can decrease growth hormone in the body–problematic for growing children
  • Increase likelihood of development of food allergies
  • Decrease testosterone production
  • Can cause exacerbation of acne
  • Can cause free radical and oxidative stress
  • Slow function of adrenal glands

These are the health issues that can be prevented, treated, or improved by eating unprocessed whole foods:

  • Microbiome imbalance
  • All GI disease
    • IBS
    • Crohn’s
    • Ulcerative colitis
    • GERD
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Cellulite
  • Waist circumference
  • Abdominal fat
  • Diabetes
  • Mood
  • Cognition and brain function
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Dementia
  • Menopause
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Kidney stones
  • Gallstones
  • Inflammation
  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Arthritis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Vaginal infections
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Body odor
  • Aging
  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Eczema
  • Menstrual breast pain
  • Oral Health

This is an excerpt from my eBook. Check it out for more details on how to eat a whole foods diet.

Everyday Relaxation Tips

During the day, your body is constantly getting the message that it isn’t the time to relax. There’s always more to do, more to worry about, another text to answer, or another task to complete. You need to take breaks that are actually breaks from stress, so that your body gets the message that it is safe and the stress mode can be switched off. This means not just trading one form of stress (work) for another (social media or email).

Tips and tricks to fit relaxation breaks into your typical day:

  • At every red light, take a deep breath. Breath in for a count of 6, and breath out for a count of 8. Repeat as long as you can.
  • Between clients, take a deep breath (similar instructions to item above). When you do this, try to walk away from your computer or desk to a more relaxing space.
  • Set reminders on your phone, for every hour or half hour. When your reminder goes off, practice deep breathing (similar instructions to item above) or stand up and do some stretches.
  • Listen to music. Turn off the social media and the text notifications and listen to a song or two.
  • Sit and stare at the wall for five minutes. Seriously, doing nothing does something.
  • Get some fresh air and sunshine. Go for a walk around the block, even if it is cold.
  • Find something that makes you laugh. Watch a comedy sketch or read a funny book.

The above is an excerpt from my eBook. For more valuable information check it out!

Clock as a plate with fork and spoon, Time to eat!

HOW to eat

There are a million resources on what to eat, but has anyone ever told you HOW to eat?

We eat while standing, driving, checking our phone or computer, talking excitedly. We eat fast while thinking about what we have to get done. In other words, we eat while stressed.

A person in stress mode can’t digest and absorb. This is because under stress your body doesn’t produce or secrete stomach acid, enzymes, or bile. So we want to relax our bodies before eating.

You are about to have your meal or snack. It is prepared and on a plate in front of you. Before you eat, do the following:

  1. Sit down (do not eat standing up, moving around, driving, or walking).
  2. Pause (sit in silence, no phone or television) for 30 seconds.
  3. Just breathe.

You are telling your body that everything is ok and it is time to relax. You are preparing your body to ingest the food. When you are done with your 30 seconds of breathing, begin eating. Chew your food slowly and deliberately. Pause between bites of food to allow your body time to process each bite.

Another tip: It a good idea for everyone to give their bodies 12 hours off from digesting and absorbing. For most people, nighttime is the ideal time to do this. This means avoiding eating after dinner until breakfast the next morning. No late night snacking. It is hard work for your body to digest and absorb food. It is taxing to the GI tract. Your gut needs a rest. Your blood and your cells also benefit from taking a break from assimilating nutrients. If you eat dinner at 7:00pm, try not to eat again until 7:00am the next day.

(The above is an excerpt from my eBook. Check it out!)

Do what is right, not what is easy calendar view

One Inner Belief That’s Holding You Back From Change

We’ve ALL done this. We decide we are going to diet, exercise, meditate, or some other healthful action. We want to ___ (fill in the blank: lose weight, be less bloated, be less tired, etc). So we cut our calories, cut down on sugar, cut out gluten, or drink less alcohol (again, fill in the blank)…for a short period of time. Then, we fall back into old habits.

There can be many reasons for this behavior. Lack of planning is an example. We can’t just eat differently if we haven’t planned our meals and shopped accordingly. However, I think the biggest reason for faltering is that we bump up against how difficult this change is.

Changing your diet and altering your lifestyle are major endeavors. They require a significant level of commitment and effort. It is hard work, but it is absolutely worthwhile.

We expect it to be easy. We expect it to just happen because we want it to happen. So, we give up when it isn’t easy.

The problem here is that we believe it should be easy, so let me adjust your beliefs:

It is never easy.

It isn’t supposed to be easy.

Difficulty isn’t a sign of something wrong.

Difficulty isn’t a reason to stop.

If you are prepared for the fact that it isn’t easy, you won’t be so defeated when indeed it is hard. Don’t wait for it to seem easy before you are ready to begin or you will be waiting forever. Don’t expect this to be easy or you will be derailed when you discover just how difficult it can be. Don’t give up and don’t let the difficulty become your excuse for giving up.

You owe it to yourself, your body, and your life to feel good! Set your intention, take on this endeavor, and the results will be your reward.

For more essential mindset shift pep-talks, check out my eBook: Health Takes Guts® Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety, and Fatigue

Why you aren't losing weight

9 reasons you aren’t losing weight

Weight loss is tough. Keeping weight loss off, is even tougher. A question I get asked time and time again is: why aren’t I losing weight? The person asking is dieting and exercising and the scale won’t budge. So here are my answers:

  1. You are eating too much.

Maybe you are eating more than you think. Calories hide everywhere and add up real fast. Plus, it is convenient to ‘forget’ about that pint of ice cream that we had the other night. A food diary, kept honestly, and analyzed by a professional (app or person) might help.

  1. You are not eating enough.

You read that right. This happens more than #1. People are eating 1200 calories (or less!) a day, and that simply isn’t enough to operate a grown body. Your body needs fuel. Your metabolism slows down and you go into a primal starvation mode. Eat at least 1500 calories a day (more if you are a bigger person).

  1. You dieted too much in the past

You tried every diet under the sun and yoyo-ed yourself dizzy. And now your metabolism is messed up, unfortunately. A sustainable healthy diet is better than any short-term fad any day.

  1. Your blood sugar is out of whack.

You are eating too many sugars and processed carbs, perhaps. Your insulin is high (from a lack of exercise or a lifetime of eating too many sugars and carbs). When you eat sugar or processed starch, it goes out of your gut and into your blood stream quickly. This causes a large amount of insulin to be pumped out and now the calories get pushed into your fat cells (that is insulin’s job). Meanwhile you are hungry again. Plus, the insulin stays around and pushes anything else you eat into your fat cells. When insulin is high, you are in fat storage mode not fat release mode.

  1. Your sex hormones are off

Hate to say it, but as we women age, our estrogen goes down and so does our metabolism. Sometimes progesterone and testosterone are out of range too. All these can affect weight. Little known fact: estrogen and the gut are intricately related. Check out my eBook for more details.

  1. Your thyroid is running low

Testing thyroid hormones is one of the first things I think of when someone comes to me and isn’t losing weight. Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s (the autoimmune version of hypothyroidism) mean your thyroid hormones are low, slowing down your metabolism and making weight gain common (and weight loss very hard).

  1. You’re are stressed out

Cortisol, the main stress hormone, is high and it’s messing with your calorie usage and storage. Let’s face it, we are all stressed. And while adrenaline goes away after that meeting with your boss or fight with your spouse, cortisol sticks around. And if you are stressed day in and day out (like many of us) then your cortisol is chronically high. This not only causes weight issues, but many health problems as well. (addressed in my eBook)

  1. Genetics suck

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: genes are not your fate. It doesn’t matter if diseases run in your family, diet and other lifestyle factors play a bigger role in your health. However, genetics can be a factor too. I perform a genetics test on patients and we find out that yes, they don’t respond to cardio exercise by losing weight or they need more carbs and less fat to lose weight (or vice versa), or their genes just are stacked against them in all the weight loss areas.

  1. Your gut is unbalanced.

Research study after research study ties being overweight to the microbiome. If you want more information on the gut and the microbiome, read past blog articles and read my ebook.

If one of these factors is applicable to you, I suggest addressing it. Eat more, eat less, get your hormones checked, practice stress management, and fix your gut. Get an assessment done by an expert. I recommend reading my eBook that addresses these topics.

And what is the sustainable diet I recommend? Dropping the sugar and processed food. By doing so, you get rid of the empty calories, the insulin stimulating carbs, and the inflammatory foods, and the gut disrupting foods. Eat whole real foods. A sweet potato instead of bread. More fruits and veggies. You can do it! And it’s the best thing for you, in every way.