Does Constipation Cause Accidents?

This one is for all you parents out there.

It’s No Accident: Breakthrough Solutions To Your Child’s Wetting, Constipation, Utis, And Other Potty Problems
Steve J. Hodges

Dr. Hodges says that constipation is to blame for most accidents, whether they be nighttime or daytime, pee or poo.  He says that kids can be pooping regularly and still holding large amounts of old poop in their rectum. This causes pressure on the bladder, and loss of muscle sensitivity and control of the rectum. It’s worth considering if your child is struggling with this problem. He lays out treatment plans and schedules, and includes two bonus chapters. One on nutrition written by a dietitian and one on behavior written by a psychologist.

And even if you are sure your child isn’t constipated, there is still great info on peeing accidents and holding. Holding leads to bladder muscles becoming so strong that they spasm and overpower the ability to hold in pee. He lays out treatments for this.

Buy it on amazon

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