Category Archives: Misc.

Food as a treatment for Acne

I receive this question a lot: Can what I eat cause pimples? The answer is yes. Of course, that isn’t the only thing that causes acne but why not eat to promote the healthy skin you want? Below is a short list of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ foods in regards to acne.

Things to eliminate:

  • Limit foods high in sugar with a high glycemic index (white bread, bagels, sweets), as those may promote the production of certain hormones linked to acne
  • Omega-6 fatty acids (refined vegetable oils, fried foods) are thought to contribute to inflammation
  • In a study comparing people with no or mild acne to those with moderate to severe, the ones with moderate to severe acne reported greater dietary glycemic index, added sugar, total sugar, number of milk servings per day, saturated fat, and trans-fatty acids, and fewer servings of fish per day

Things to include:

  • Low glycemic foods (whole foods, whole grains, legumes, eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables)
  • Certain vitamins and minerals are also crucial to include.
    • vitamin A: sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, winter squashes, lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe, bell peppers, fish, liver, and tropical fruits.
    • vitamin D: salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, herring, sardines, catfish, tuna, cod liver oil, eggs, sunshine
    • zinc: lamb, pumpkin seeds, grass-fed beef, chickpeas, cocoa powder, cashews, mushrooms, spinach, chicken
    • copper: oysters, raw kale, shiitake mushrooms, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, chickpeas, prunes, avocados,
    • selenium: brazil nuts, oysters, tuna, sunflower seeds, pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, mushrooms, whole grains
    • green tea: a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Fish and seafood: May help prevent acne, most likely due to their Omega 3 content.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids: reduce inflammation with foods like nuts(walnuts), fatty fish, and eggs.
  • A good probiotic: anti inflammatory
  • Turmeric: anti inflammatory
  • Tamanu oil may be effective as a topical treatment or as part of a facial cleanser for continuous acne control. It’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal.

Hope that helps!

There are many supplements, such as turmeric, Omega 3s, and probiotics on my online dispensary.

Welcome Tori

Big new for those of us here at Health Takes Guts®! Welcome Tori Nelson, RDN, LDN to the team. Tori is available to see clients, in addition to myself. Therefore, there is a lot more availability in terms of scheduling options. Check out Tori’s page, and make an appointment if you want!

Food Allergy? or Food Sensitivity? How to tell!

Most people have heard (or suffer from) “food allergies”. But sometimes it isn’t a true allergy that they are experiencing. They don’t have a food “allergy” they have a “sensitivity” or “intolerance”. These distinctions are possibly insignificant in the casual conversations with a friend. But as a medical health professional, they are very significant to me. They mean very different things about what’s going on in a person’s body and more importantly how I can fix it!

So, let’s flesh out the differences between these terms:

• Food allergy
• Food intolerance
• Food sensitivity

Food allergies

Food allergies cause an immune response by the body that occurs immediately after any amount of the food is ingested and can be mild or serious and potentially life threatening. The key here is that it is ANY AMOUNT (think peanut breath from one person causing a reaction in another person across an airplane). An allergic response might be itching, hives, stomach cramps, diarrhea, swelling, anaphylaxis, and even death.

Food intolerance

Food intolerance is when digestive symptoms occur after a certain food is eaten and the response time can vary. The food is unable to be digested by your body, so the gut bacteria eat it and this causes symptoms. The amount of food ingested can have an effect on the severity of symptoms. There is a threshold, where you can tolerate a small amount of the food but not a large amount. For example, some people with lactose intolerance are able to consume a small amount of dairy but if eaten in large quantities may experience symptoms. Yogurt and hard cheese are easier to digest because they contain low amounts of lactose. The key distinction here is that this is entirely a DIGESTIVE issue. There is no immune response going on. There are no symptoms outside the digestive tract. A food intolerance may result in nausea, stomach pains, bloating, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Food sensitivities

Food sensitivities are an immune response but a different type of immune reaction from an allergy. They can originate from the systemic immune or digestive immune system and the response can be delayed (up to 3 days!) or even undetectable. The amount of food that causes a response varies (again, a threshold) and symptoms include nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, headache, irritability, joint pain, eczema, lack of energy, and more. Most people’s problems with food fall into this big category.

This blog post is an excerpt from my eBook: Health Takes Guts, Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety and Fatigue. Check it out and learn how to resolve sensitivities and intolerances.

Lyme Disease, what you haven’t heard


When you or your child gets a tick bite, fear goes straight to your heart. As well it should. Because some tick bites lead to Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria borellia burgdorferi and it can wreak havoc on any and every part of your body, especially your gut and your immune system.

The symptoms of Lyme are widespread, and typically antibiotics are presented as the main and sole solution. Doctors hand out a prescription and send you on your way with no guidance on the healing. While antibiotics are necessary, they don’t provide a whole systems approach to recovery, which you definitely need. Additionally, antibiotics leave your microbiome in bad shape, and with a taxed immune system (from the Lyme), you won’t be able to fight out any bad yeast that cropped up during antibiotic treatment.

What does it look like?

It’s necessary to recognize the signs and symptoms of Lyme, as they are vast and could be masked under other diagnoses.

Early symptoms

  • bull’s eye type rash
  • fever and or chills
  • headache
  • stiff neck
  • painful muscles or joints
  • fatigue
  • swollen glands
  • symptoms can appear within 3-30 days after the bite

Advanced symptoms

  • fatigue (systemic exertion intolerance disease)
  • migratory joint and muscular pain
  • neck and shoulder stiffness
  • daily persistent headaches
  • neuropathies
  • tingling and numbness
  • disordered sleep
  • recurrent flu-like symptoms
  • cognitive dysfunction
  • mood and psychiatric dysfunctions
  • increased sensitivity to foods, smells, light and noise

Because the symptoms are so widespread, it makes sense that Lyme disease has a systemic burden, including ongoing inflammation, immune system exhaustion, cellular oxidative stress, and neurotoxin release.

What to do?

It is hopeful to know that the symptoms of Lyme can be attenuated through different lifestyle, diet, and supplemental protocols.

Sleep should be addressed within a holistic approach to Lyme disease. Sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue are prevalent with Lyme. And sleep is so necessary for healing and building the immune system up.

  • Arrange your schedule to allow for 8 hours of sleep.
  • Practicing good sleep hygiene is important: not using screens for a couple hours before bed, making sure you go to bed at the same time every night and sleeping in a cool dark room.
  • If falling asleep or staying asleep is a problem, there are numerous natural sleep aids: melatonin, passionflower, lemon balm, or GABA precursors.

Stress management is essential. External stress can further the stress inside your body and prevent recovery.

  • Meditation
  • Down time
  • Laughter
  • Deep breaths, taken throughout the day

Diet: the goals of being to reduce inflammation, rebuild the immune system, improve gut health (repair after the pathogens and antibiotics), and nourish the person.

  • Eat whole foods
  • Avoid high sugar and fat foods, such as processed starches, candy and junk food, fried foods
  • Increase intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains
  • Choose organic when possible
  • Eat more anti-inflammatory foods (plant based, omega-3 fatty acids, Mediterranean diet)
  • Repopulate the gut with probiotic rich fermented foods (contraindicated in some people)
  • Address food sensitivities, such as gluten and dairy, as all food sensitivities can increase inflammation, weaken the immune system and worse Lyme symptoms

For gut health, we might need to kill off any yeast or other pathogens that are present. (There are many options for this, but I don’t recommend trying them without supervision from a qualified practitioner.) Then also heal the gut lining from any injury from the Lyme or other pathogens as well as reinoculate with probiotics.

Supplementation should be utilized in order to address and TREAT poor immune function, chronic fatigue, neurological symptoms, muscle spasms, joint pain, and gut and hormonal imbalances.

Some ideas to decrease overall inflammation and inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine production:

  • Curcumin/turmeric
  • Quercetin
  • EPA/DHA (omega 3 fatty acids or fish oil)
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Tart cherry juice
  • Antioxidants
  • Coconut oil
  • Green tea

Some ideas to address chronic fatigue or neurological symptoms and boost general immune health:

  • High quality multivitamin
  • Co-Enzyme Q10
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine
  • Vitamin B Complex (with activated Bs)
  • Gamma linolenic acid (GLA)
  • Omega 3 EFA fish oil
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Magnesium

Here is a testimonial from a client of mine. She came to me, feeling like crap, after the doctor had put her on numerous rounds of antibiotics for the Lyme:

“My sophomore year of high school I was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease. This led to multiple rounds of doxycycline and amoxicillin along with my 5 year battle of joint pain, fatigue, and the ever present stomach issues. I finally began seeking help, and was led to Dianne. She put me on a treatment plan, for the lifetime of stress my body’s been under due to the high amounts of antibiotics I had been on, and quickly began rebuilding my gut. Alongside the supplements Dianne recommended, I changed my diet and almost immediately began feeling a change! Within three months I felt like a new person. I have a new lease on life that I had never experienced before and began living a life without fearing of the pain that was coming. I am now studying abroad in France and have the freedom from suffering with fatigue, pain, or digestive issues.”

As you can see a functional approach to Lyme is much more comprehensive than what you will get from the doctor alone. Antibiotics kill the Lyme but don’t support the healing or clean up the mess that the Lyme (or the antibiotics themselves) created.

2 Things That Get Rid of Allergies

This time of year, every one of my clients starts their session with “My allergies are horrible, what do you recommend”

There are many natural anti-histamines, allowing for relief from allergies without the horrible side effects that the medicines bring.

There are two products I really like:

HistaEze by Designs for Health

This product has stinging nettle, an anti-inflammatory allergy remedy that has stood the test of time through centuries. It also has quercetin, a natural anti-histamine and mast cell stabilizer. It also contains Vitamin C. These ingredients, plus a couple others, balance your immune response during allergy season.

AllQlear by Integrative Therapeutics

This product is actually chewable, so it is fast acting anti-histamine relief. It is made from quail eggs to stabilize mast cells (which release histamine).

If you are miserable, you can try both. They have different ingredients so you wouldn’t be getting double the ingredients, just double the relief.

Both of these are high quality 3rd party tested supplements that can’t be found in stores, but can be bought online through a practitioner’s dispensary. Click here to set up an account and shop!

And this post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the gut. Allergies are linked to the microbiome. So cleaning up your gut and regulating your immune system would help too!

Is Chronic Fatigue “all in your head?”

Chronic Fatigue SyndromeFor years conventional doctors told people that their chronic fatigue was all in their head. Finally two years ago an official diagnosis (with criteria) was created in the US. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is debilitating exhaustion, for no ‘apparent’ reason. The validation of this diagnosis is a huge step in the right direction, yet there is still no test or official treatment for CFS.

Those of us in the functional nutrition world have been successfully treating fatigue with diet and supplements. By targeting the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, we are able to boost a patient’s energy levels. Other treatments include improving the function of the gut and boosting the immune system, also by using diet and supplements. These approaches work wonders for most people with fatigue.

Now, new research is emerging that shows the people with CFS have a dysfunction in a certain cell receptor. There is a genetic alteration in the code for the TRPM3 receptor. This receptor facilitates the transfer of calcium through the cell wall. According to preliminary research, people with CFS have fewer functioning TRPM3 receptors preventing sufficient amounts of calcium from entering the cell causing depressed cell function. This discovery is in the early stages, and more research is needed, but this is a big relief to those who have been previously dismissed by conventional doctors and who are in desperate need of a new solution.

For more about fatigue and how to fix it, read my eBook.

You won’t believe what this mineral can do


Magnesium is one of the most powerful minerals, responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Magnesium is a vital electrolyte, and among the biochemical reactions it regulates are protein synthesis, blood-glucose control, and blood pressure, insulin regulation, vitamin D metabolism, bone health, and detoxing. Magnesium also greatly affects heart function, digestion, and sleep.

But that’s all boring, right? What about the fact that Magnesium is a treatment for anxiety? insomnia? constipation? fatigue?

Just a few of the effects of Magnesium:

  • Calm:
    • Magnesium slows nerve signals leading to a calming and relaxing feeling in the body and brain. This makes magnesium a wonderful natural treatment for those with anxiety, insomnia, and ADHD.
  • Energy:
    • Magnesium is needed to make ATP. ATP is the energy molecule in the body (that we produce from calories, with the help of Magnesium).
  • Bowel Motility
    • Magnesium relaxes the muscles of the GI tract making it easier to go to the bathroom
    • Magnesium also draws water into the intestine, making it the most natural treatment for constipation
  • Detoxing
    • Your body needs magnesium to run the many detoxification pathways that your body uses to get rid of metals and free radicals (from normal metabolic processes, as well as pollutants in our environment)
    • Heavy metals compete with magnesium for entry into the brain cells and for absorption in the gut. If we have enough magnesium and vitamins/minerals, healthy metals such as aluminum won’t be absorbed as readily.
  • Sleep
    • Studies show that Magnesium combats insomnia. People take it to promote getting to sleep and staying asleep.
  • Reflux and/or that full indigestion feeling
    • Magnesium relaxes the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach. This promotes stomach emptying, so food won’t sit like a rock in your stomach (which can lead to reflux).

Deficiency Symptoms:

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you might be deficient in magnesium:

  • Muscles cramps or twitching
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Sensitive to loud noises
  • Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • Angina
  • Constipation
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • Asthma
  • Kidney Stones
  • Reflux
  • Trouble Swallowing

Additionally, research shows magnesium deficiency is common in those with these conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • IBS
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Depression/Anxiety

In the United States, magnesium deficiency is a serious concern. The reason is simple: many of us eat a diet that contains very little magnesium. The Western-American diet is filled with highly processed, refined foods, white flour, meat, and processed dairy. None of these foods contain magnesium. In addition magnesium is decreased with the intake of alcohol, salt, coffee, profuse sweating, chronic stress, chronic diarrhea, diuretics, antibiotics, and other drugs. It is no wonder everyone needs more magnesium!

Foods high in magnesium include: Wheat bran, wheat germ, brown rice, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, rye, soy beans, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, avocado, parsley, beans, dark leafy greens, and garlic.

But it is often a good idea to supplement. Magnesium glycinate is the best form of magnesium to get past your gut and into your brain and muscles. But if constipation is your challenge, than magnesium citrate or oxide is best.



Tried everything and still feel sick?


Suffer from a range of symptoms and haven’t had any success with treatment? There is a condition that gets overlooked by doctors. And it can explain a lot for people who can’t find answers anywhere else: Histamine Intolerance

What is histamine?

Histamine is a natural compound found in the body. Mast cells of the body produce histamine (in regulated appropriate amounts, if all is working well).

We need histamine for multiple reasons:

-Regulation of stomach acid; digesting your food

-Effectively moving your bowels

-Muscle contraction

-Enhance exercise

-Brain function; paying attention and staying focused

-Deliver blood, nutrients, and oxygen to various areas of the body.

Histamine is also found naturally in some foods and the microbes on our food or in our gut produce it. If we have enough histamine degrading enzymes (DAO is the main one), then we should be able to degrade all the histamine that is produced or ingested.

Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance occurs when there is an accumulation of histamine and/or the inability to degrade it. High histamine can cause all kinds of unpleasant symptoms including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Rashes, eczema
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Runny nose, watery eyes
  • Swelling
  • Heartburn
  • Insomnia
  • And others…


Histamine comes from:

  • The body (mast cells doing their job)
  • Foods
  • Microbes (in gut)

The causes of histamine intolerance are many and complicated. Just to name a few: nutrient deficiencies (B vitamins, Zinc, Copper) that lead to the inability to produce histamine degrading enzymes, lifestyle factors (like excessive exercise or too much alcohol), and hormone imbalances. But for clarity I like to break down the causes into two categories: overproduction of histamine and inability to break down histamine.


  • Mast cell activation syndrome. Mast cells release histamine, but if the mast cells release too much, or you have too many mast cells (as many with IBS do) then you will produce and release too much histamine. There is a spectrum of mast cell disorders, ranging from severe to mild.
  • Dysbiosis: an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Too much bacteria or too much of the bacteria that produce histamine will lead to histamine intolerance. The species that we know are producers are: L. Casei, L. delbreckii, and L. bulgaricus. These are commonly found in multi-species probiotics. This illustrates how important it is to choose a probiotic that suits the person and their health situation.

Inability to break down histamine:

  • Genetic issues: impaired methylation, not being able to produce enough DAO (histamine degrading enzyme)
  • Dysbiosis: not having enough of the histamine degrading bacteria. The species that degrade histamine: B. Infantis and L. plantarum.


The best way to know if you have histamine intolerance is to go on a low histamine diet for 4-6 weeks. If you feel better, then you are indeed histamine intolerant.

A low histamine diet excludes foods that are high in histamine or that promote histamine release. (This is not a complete list, just a taste)

  • Aged foods: bacteria produce histamine during the aging process
    • Fermented foods
    • Cheeses
    • Wine
    • Leftovers
  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Citrus fruits
  • Berries
  • Spinach
  • Ripe avocados and bananas


There are many supplements that can be used to help with histamine intolerance.

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and natural antihistamine. Vitamin C is known to help stabilize mast cells and reduce histamine intolerance.
  • B vitamins are extremely important in the process of methylation. With a deficiency in B vitamins methylation begins to fail, causing a multitude of heath problems, including histamine intolerance.
  • Diamine oxidase (DAO): you can take this histamine-degrading enzyme in a pill.
  • Quercetin is a mast cell stabilizer found in fruits and vegetables and can be taken in a supplement form.
  • Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple and can be taken in supplement form.
  • Probiotics, tailored to the histamine intolerant person of course.

And the main treatment, in my opinion, is to rebalance the gut and restore overall health. Doing that, can cut the histamine intolerance at the root.

What You Need to Know About Functional Nutrition

Human body with internal organs, composite by stomach, Great to be used in medicine works and health.

Conventional medicine is very effective if you have an acute problem, which needs immediate treatment. Despite all the advances in science and medicines, chronic diseases are on the rise. Most people suffer from some form of chronic problem (such as IBS, high cholesterol, Diabetes, insomnia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, ADHD, etc). Conventional medicine doesn’t seem to be able to treat these problems successfully. At best, conventional medicine doles out prescriptions to dampen the symptoms. That isn’t ‘treatment,’ and it certainly isn’t prevention. The problem? Neither the individual nor the root cause of the illness is treated.

Functional Medicine and Nutrition is an entirely different approach.

Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapy is a personalized method for getting to the root of your symptoms and restoring balance to your system. It is about promoting health, not just treating illness.


Everybody’s different. We each have different genes, different microbiomes (which influence everything), and different lifestyles. In Functional Nutrition, all information is taken into account: sleep, diet, stress level, activity level, energy level, mood, sunlight exposure, time in nature, and other data. Additionally, using tests that actually reveal what’s going on inside your body down to the cellular level and tests for genetic influences, diet and supplementation can be very targeted.

As the Institute of Functional Medicine explains: “The current healthcare system fails to take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual and the ability of food, toxins and other environmental factors to influence gene expression.”

Treating the problem, not just the symptom:

If you throw drugs at a symptom, without addressing the root cause of the symptom, you are clearing the smoke but not putting out the fire. Left resolved, the cause will continue to persist, and therefore so with the symptoms. The drug will continue to be needed indefinitely (and possibly at greater and greater doses) to treat this symptom.

Chris Kresser articulates this: “In conventional medicine…they mostly focus on symptoms and diseases. If you go to a doctor and you have high cholesterol, you get a drug to lower your cholesterol…and there’s often little investigation into why your cholesterol is high in the first place. The intent is to just bring it down, and that’s generally the end of the story. In functional medicine… Symptoms are important in as much as they can give us clues as to what the underlying mechanisms might be that are contributing to the problem, but they’re not as important because when you focus on the underlying mechanisms and causes and you address those, the symptoms tend to resolve on their own, so you don’t have to worry about going after each and every symptom individually. You just address the root causes and the symptoms resolve.”

Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the leaders in Functional Medicine, articulates this point very well in the foreword he wrote for The Disease Delusion (a book written by Dr. Jeffery Bland, the father of Functional Medicine):     “Depression is not the cause of misery, it is merely the name we give to a constellation of symptoms. The actual cause of depression may vary greatly from patient to patient…knowing the name of a disease tells us nothing about its true cause; nor does it lead us to the right treatment”

Final thoughts:

Conventional medicine has its place. It has saved my life more than once. However, in other instances, it also left me disappointed. I know my clients have felt the same way before coming to see me.

Dr. Fitzgerald, another leader in the field, sums it up: “Simply, functional medicine is an individualized, systems-based, patient-centered approach to care. We look at the whole person, their environment, diet & lifestyle and genetics/epigenetics. An individual’s history is carefully mapped to a timeline, which we use to gather clues to the cause(s) and promoter(s) of disease/imbalance. Sensitive laboratory assessments help us “look under the metabolic hood” for contributing biochemical/genetic/microbial/nutrient/inflammatory/toxicity issues.”

For all these reasons, I am very excited about Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy. I am a Certified Integrative and Functional Nutrition Practitioner and have been practicing it with my clients (and on my own health) for several years.

Because patients are unique. Symptoms are not.


My Line of Supplements is ready!

Health Takes Guts. That’s the brand name of a new line of smart supplements.


I have created a line of supplements to aid my clients in reaching their goals! I have three blends (two more in development): “Heal the Gut”, “Focus for ADHD” and a Multivitamin.

Through my experience and research, I have a list of nutrients that people with gut problems or ADHD need. Instead of sending them on a quest to find 10 different supplements (in random amounts), I have compiled these nutrients into one place, and in the recommended therapeutic amounts.

For the gut, there are several nutrients that are needed to heal that precious lining of our digestive track. Without healing the GI track, we can’t hope to have gut health or, since all disease begins in the gut, overall health.

For ADHD, we have to give the brain all the support it needs to work optimally. The supplement contains vitamins and minerals that research shows most children with ADHD are deficient in. Not coincidentally these are the nutrients that support the brain in areas of: focus, attention, behavior, and emotions.

Read more on my supplement page. You can also find full nutrition info here.