Do you have secret issues with food?
I find that a lot of people do, but this is one area where I am not trained enough to help. I often find myself telling my clients that I will fix their gut and weight and fatigue and whatever else but “sorry, I can’t help with binge eating habits”. Well now, I’ve found a resource to recommend.
My friend and colleague Julie Latz is the expert on teaching people how to stop binge eating and putting an end to sneaking and hiding food. She has a free e-book on how to stop binge eating.
It’s jam packed with great insights about…
- How to handle the out of control feeling you have around food without dieting
- How to finally lose weight without an ounce of willpower
- Why eating your trigger foods is actually crucial to stop binge eating
Key # 5 really did surprise me!
You can download your copy here.
She also has a great 8 week program, with daily support. Start with the free ebook and see if it speaks to you! Enjoy!