HTG E-book Resources

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Thanks for reading “Health Takes Guts®: Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety, & Fatigue!
The following bonus materials are specifically designed to make your Health Takes Guts® journey easier and more successful!

5Rs worksheet download

The 5Rs Worksheet

Not everyone needs exactly the same plan. Here’s the fillable version of the 5R worksheet so you can tailor the program to your individual case.
Click on the image to view & download the 5Rs Worksheet (it will open in a new tab).

Supplements Table

There are many supplement options out there. It can be an overwhelming and endless search. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite options based on a hard look at the company, ingredients, and research, in a handy table.
Click on the image to view & download the supplements table (it will open in a new tab)

7-day meal plan

Meal planning can be hard when you’re adopting a new way of eating. Here’s a sample 7 day gluten-free and dairy-free meal plan to get you started.
Click on the image to view & download the meal plan (it will open in a new tab).