Do you want The Best Multivitamin possible?

The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts®
A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
A multivitamin is a supplement that provides essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function on a daily basis. Multivitamins are great. They contain many nutrients that work together synergistically, and improve longevity and general health.
However, the multivitamins that are commonly sold in stores can be problematic for several reasons.
- Half of the ingredients in popular brands of multivitamins are fillers, preservatives, and toxic ingredients that do not provide any nutritional value, and some may even be harmful. These ingredients include Red dye #40, BHT, benzoate, and nickelous sulfate.
- They don’t include the quality bioavailable forms of the vitamins that everyone can absorb. They contain the cheapest molecular forms of vitamins, which some people’s bodies are unable to use.
- They aren’t tested or regulated, so you can’t trust what is in them. They might not even contain what the label says they do.
There are professional grade brands with clean multivitamins with quality bioavailable forms of nutrients that test their products. Excellent!
But I noticed there were extremely high doses of some of the vitamins, and not enough of some others. This can throw off the synergy of how vitamins and nutrients work best for your health. I wasn’t satisfied with this, for myself, my family, or my clients.
So, I decided to create my own.
A clean (no unnecessary fillers or junk) multivitamin/multimineral supplement with only the best quality bioavailable forms of the vitamins and minerals in the ideal amounts. A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
Order yours now!
The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts®
A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
Why you need a multivitamin:
It may seem as though multivitamin supplements are unnecessary; after all, don’t we get nutrients from food?
Well, we do. But:
- That depends on the quality of the food in one’s diet
- How many people can honestly say that they have a perfect diet with 9 servings of vegetables and only whole unprocessed foods for our starches and proteins?
- It is unclear how much nutrition actually makes it into our food. Conditions such as soil quality, pollution, and farming practices all affect the nutrient density.
- Methods of food processing and preparation can further influence how much of that nutrition we will actually absorb from our food.
- So, a multivitamin is good insurance that we are getting enough essential nutrients in addition to those from food.
- One of the biggest categories of people who absolutely need a multivitamin are people with digestive issues. Digestive function affects how much we actually absorb. If someone has a digestive problem (Such as reflux, IBS, food allergies, IBD, and more) they will be absorbing fewer nutrients from their food. A multivitamin is great for providing more of various nutrients in a person’s gut for them to absorb.
- Many of us have higher needs for nutrients. The standard diet (even if it were entirely whole foods that were grown and prepared in perfect conditions) provides a good amount, but is it enough? If one has inflammatory conditions or health diagnoses of any kind, if one is exercising a lot, if one is under stress, that person’s body will need more nutrients than they can get from diet alone. A multivitamin is a good way to supplement and raise our intake to meet our needs.
Why you should choose THIS superior multivitamin:
The Best Multivitamin contains a vast array of essential nutrients:
- in the quality bioavailable forms
- in the right amounts
- balanced with each other to provide synergistic nutrition for your body
- do not include added unnecessary junk, dyes, or chemical preservatives.
- formulated by a Registered Dietitian, Functional Medicine Nutritionist, who has been helping people get well for almost two decades.
Not only have I been recommending The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts® to clients for years, but I take this multivitamin everyday, myself, as do my husband and my son.
Order yours now!
The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts®
A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
“My family of five and I have been loyal consumers of the Health Takes Guts, The Best Multivitamin for 7 years. We very rarely get sick and I attribute that to the immune boosting Health Takes Guts, The Best Multivitamin. Our family physicians (for my picky and limited menu eaters in the family) have been very impressed by the comprehensive ingredients in this vitamin. This has been our family go-to monthly for over 7 years. I like to be proactive rather than reactive and this investment in our health has truly paid off over the years. ”
“My husband and I take the Health Takes Guts Multivitamin daily. We’re teachers and have noticed a significant improvement in our ability to stay healthy and fight off the germs we come in contact with daily at school. We also appreciate that this formula has far fewer fillers than the multivitamins we’ve used in the past.”
“I started taking your “The Best Multivitamin” and within a few days, started feeling that I had more energy and less fatigue. I am amazed and delighted that a higher quality multivitamin is making a difference that I can actually experience.”
“I have tried many different supplements and multivitamins over the years. Many multivitamins with great formulas have megadoses of certain nutrients (ex: B12, folate) and small amounts of other important vitamins, like b5 and inositol. Depending on individual methylation status, taking these types of multivitamins every day can lead to imbalances.
The Best Multivitamin covers all daily nutritional bases in balanced doses and even includes important trace minerals like boron and chromium. It is a sustainable multivitamin that I can take every day. I have been able to improve my energy, mental clarity, and general well-being without taking multiple different supplements.
As a patient at Health Take Guts for over five years now who has benefited greatly from their care, I strongly trust the business and its formulation.”
“I take The Best Multivitamin because it has just the right combination of minerals and vitamins to help keep me healthy and active. Dianne recommended this vitamin for energy and overall health, and she was right!”
Order yours now!
The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts®
A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.

Frequently asked Questions about The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts® – A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
Can kids take this too?
Yes. This formulation is for anyone 13 and older. The serving is 2 capsules a day. For children younger than 13, they can take 1 capsule instead of 2.
Why is there copper in this multivitamin?
Copper is an essential mineral that we need to live. It has numerous functions in the body including: energy metabolism (inside your cells) and neurotransmitter production (the brain chemicals responsible for mood and cognition). It also has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Why isn’t there Calcium in this multi?
Calcium interferes with the absorption of many minerals, so it is best to take it away from the minerals in the multi. Also, calcium is a mineral that is large in size and therefore takes up a lot of room in a pill-if calcium were in this multi, the multi would be 4 pills a day or more!
Why isn’t there Iron in this multi?
Iron is an important mineral, but most of us get it in our food. In supplemental doses, it can be very harmful. No one should take an iron supplement unless they know for sure, via blood testing, that they are deficient in iron. This multi is safe for all; if it had iron in it, it would not be.
Are there any research studies that support the use of multivitamin/multimineral supplements?
You bet! Here are just some of the many:
- Taking a multi-vitamin-mineral daily improved cognitive function, memory, and executive function among older adults effectively slowing age-related cognitive decline by 60% (according to a randomized controlled trial that lasted 3 years). - Reduced death from heart disease – Women who took a multi-vitamin-mineral for more than 3 years have a lower risk of dying from heart disease. - Reduce Cancer Risk – The Physician’s Health Study II randomized control trial showed a daily multi-vitamin-mineral taken long-term reduced the risk of cancer in men. - Improve your mood! These randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies shows that a daily multivitamin-mineral can lower anxiety and perceived stress.
- Prevent Cataracts – Taking a multivitamin daily over time can prevent the formation of cataracts.
- Slow the progression of AMD – For people with age-related macular degeneration, taking an antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplement may delay the progression of the disease.
- In this randomized control trial of older adults 55+, taking a multivitamin was associated with a decrease in severity and length of reported illnesses. Older adults are at increased risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to age-related immune system decline, so taking a multivitamin may make up for these deficiencies, helping the immune system to function properly.
Order yours now!
The Best Multivitamin Health Takes Guts®
A balanced multivitamin that you can trust.
Meet Dianne Rishikof, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP

Meet Dianne Rishikof, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP
Who I am and why I can help
I have been a dietitian in private practice for over 16 years. I am the president of Health Takes Guts, Inc. My team and I practice integrative and functional nutrition. Becoming an expert in functional nutrition and the gut has transformed my patient outcomes and my own health.
Terms, Disclaimer, and Copyright information:
The material contained herein belong exclusively to Health Takes Guts, Inc and its author, Dianne Rishikof. All copyrights and trademarks remain exclusively owned by the author and/or Health Takes Guts, Inc. No part of this material may be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form.