Functional Nutrition Protocols for RDs
Your roadmap to treatment success!Do you ever find yourself sitting with a client when you are struck by the sinking feeling that you are not sure how you are going to help them?
I can help!
Could you use an a professional guide on how to treat your clients?
You’ve found it!
I have been in private practice since 2005. Since 2013, my practice has emphasized integrative and functional nutrition. By popular demand, I have gathered together my most effective treatment plans into protocols, so that I can share them with other RDs**.
We all know the confusion and frustration that comes with starting new treatment plans from scratch, or trying to wander through multiple sources for answers. Well, search no more!
My protocols have been designed with a compilation of the most effective strategies and current research, as well as my own experience with 1000’s of clients.
Each protocol is mindfully crafted as a roadmap for a specific health condition.
When you purchase these protocols, you will get:
- Dietary guidelines and suggestions
- Supplements for treatment
- Lifestyle changes
- Testing considerations, co-morbidity considerations, and other details to be aware of with a patient with the condition.
Below please find a list of health conditions. Each listing provides a link to the appropriate protocol from RD2RD, available for purchase. There is also a package option of buying all 13 protocols for a reduced price.
Note: RD2RD can only accept orders within the United States. If you are located outside the U.S. please send me your name and contact information.
Many of the protocols reference the 5R gut healing protocol that is outlined in detail in my eBook. This eBook goes into much greater depth regarding gut health and treatment, and can enrich and compliment treatment using the protocols. Therefore, another discounted package is offered that includes all 13 protocols plus the eBook.
Protocol Bundle
Includes all the above protocols in one easy bundle.
Protocol Bundle + eBook
Includes all the above protocols AND the eBook in one easy bundle.
These protocols are intended to be used as guides for dietitians to provide as part of a larger treatment plan. They are not intended for a patient to use on his/her own. The protocols have general strategies, interventions, and treatments. Any protocol still has to be adjusted to the individual patient’s specific needs by a qualified professional. It is the dietitian’s responsibility to discern what aspects of the protocol are appropriate and which aspects are not appropriate to the patient’s needs. It is not the responsibility of Health Takes Guts, Inc. to guarantee results or mitigate risks of implementation.
The protocols herein belong exclusively to Health Takes Guts, Inc and its author, Dianne Rishikof. All copyrights and trademarks remain exclusively owned by the author and/or Health Takes Guts, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form. These protocols may not be shared.
Note:RD2RD can only accept orders within the United States. If you are located outside the U.S. please send me your name and contact information.
Learn more about the Health Takes Guts® eBook:
Do you want the ultimate resource on functional nutrition, gut health, and fixing all health problems at the root?
Want a resource that makes functional nutrition approachable?
Want one resource in which all the research and information is organized for you?
Introducing the new eBook,

Health Takes Guts®
Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminating Digestive Issues, Anxiety, and Fatigue
Written for the layperson, but full of information that any dietitian needs!
Whether you’re new to functional nutrition or an old pro, this eBook is a must-have for anyone who wants to successfully resolve their clients’ problems.
With this eBook you’ll:
- Learn how to design a treatment plan that works.
- Learn the secrets that have gotten 100s of clients singing my praises from the rooftops.
- Feel confident and know how to help your clients.
This is the book I wish I had 5-10 years ago!
You’ll get:
- Extensive details on functional medicine’s 5R protocol, step by step.
- A complete guide to gut health elimination diets.
- A comprehensive collection of information on the microbiome and intestinal permeability, as well as the brain gut connection and the hormone gut connection.
- Mindset pep talks to give your clients.
- A complete guide to supplements for the gut and the 5Rs, including brands, dosing, and more.
- Case studies to see how it all fits together.
The way it works:
Click on one of the “buy” buttons and place your order. Checkout is fast and secure. Once your order is processed, you’ll be taken to a page where you can download your ebook and start reading!
Terms, Disclaimer, and Copyright information:
This ebook and material contained herein belong exclusively to Health Takes Guts, Inc and its author, Dianne Rishikof. All copyrights and trademarks remain exclusively owned by the author and/or Health Takes Guts, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any form.
The download link and copy of the eBook are uniquely stamped with identifiers of the purchaser. This eBook may not be shared or given away.
This eBook is not to be considered a replacement for medical advice or treatment. By reading this guide, you expressly acknowledge and agree that neither the author or Health Takes Guts, Inc. is responsible for any express or implied results or guarantees relating to any information presented in this guide. Readers choose to implement the information into their lifestyle at their own risk.